Tiny Star DIY Projects For Winter - Survive This World With Me

DIY Projects For Winter

6:00 AM

Hello once again guys! It's me, Maya with another post about winter. As you probably saw, here I'm going to be sharing with you some of my favorite DIY winter related projects. Please note, that I didn't create these projects, they all come from different websites.  Also, if you have a suggestion about what theme I should go for next month, let me know here. Now that we're done covering that, let's get on with the post.

1. DIY Snowflakes Wall Decor

This DIY is amazing. Not only do you need nothing but Popsicle sticks and a glue gun, but it's also super cute! Click here to do this project.

2. DIY Anthropologie Inspired Snow Globes

These snow globes look super chic and they're easy to do. It will make a nice addition to your home, trust me. To learn how to do this project click here.

3. DIY Tinted Lip Balm

Like I said in the previous article, our lips get pretty dehydrated during the winter so here is a DIY tinted lip balm made out of products your probably already have in your home. Check out this awesome DIY here!

4. DIY Candle Holders

I just had to take just one look at these beautiful candle holders to fall in love with them. Again, they are super easy to make and look fabulous. If you want to light a candle but the candle holders you have are too ugly or don't give a winter vibe to you, then this is perfect! Click here to learn how to make it.

5. DIY Hand Warmers

Winters means cold weather unfortunately... However, with this fun DIY, you can get your hands warmer and ready to conquer the horrible weather. Click here to learn how to make this. 

6. DIY Chandelier 

On the website, even though the name says that it's for outdoors, you can easily use this DIY to decorate the inside of your house (if your parents allow it) or your room. You can find this project here.

7. DIY Glitter Canvas Art

Here is another wall art for you guys. This one is so great because you can write whatever you want on it. It'll be better if what's written is winter related but seriously, it can be absolutely anything! If you want to make this one, click here.

8. DIY Woodland Sign

This DIY is absolutely amazing. It looks like something that cost lots of money but it's super affordable. This DIY can be found here.

I think that that's going to be it for this week's post. I hope you liked this one. If you did, make sure to let me know in the comments and share this so that more of your friends can see this blog! 

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