Tiny Star Study Tips For School - Survive This World With Me

Study Tips For School

2:01 PM

I know that studying can be hard. Sometimes, it's just really difficult to concentrate and you can't seem to get any information inside your head. But don't fret! Maya's here to help you study better.

Know Your Learning Style

To be able to study well, you need to know your type of learning. There are three main ones: auditory, visual, and tactile.  Click the link below to do this quiz, then come back here to get study tips.  If you already know your learning style, then you can just skip the quiz.

Usually, people don't just have one learning style, but a combination of both. Thus, you might want to see the study tips for two or even all of the styles. 

For Visual Learners

Congratulations if you're a visual learner! You're just like me. As you may already know, visual learners learn by sight. You understand and remember things easier when you can see it. Here are a few tips for you visual learners.

Use Index And Flash Cards

For visual learners, index and flash cards are your best friends. Use index cards to take notes while the teacher is talking and use flash cards to study. There are plenty of websites where you can make and print out your own flash cards to study. They work wonderfully, trust me. 

Use Highlighters A Lot

You should use highlighters a lot, preferably the ones with neon colors. Why? Because your brain catches bright colors easier than regular colors. However, know how to highlight the right way. Only highlight the important details.

Make The Study Area More Appealing

Let's face it, for visual learners, if the study area looks bland, then you won't really want to study. Make your information eye catching and use pictures. This will help you visualize things inside your head. 

For Auditory Learners

Congratulations if you're an auditory learner. Auditory learners benefit from listen to information.  I'm secretly jealous of you guys since when you hear stuff,  use understand it immediately. You don't usually need a demonstration or anything. Anyway, here are a few study tips for you guys.

Study With A Friend

Studying with a friend can be a lot of help for auditory learners since you can talk about  the subject you're supposed to study for out loud. You'll hear the information and then it'll locked inside your mind.

Record Yourself Reading The Information

Since you learn from listening, you should tape yourself reading the information and then listen to it. That way, you can review your notes while listening to the tape. 

Use Flash Cards

Auditory learners can use flash cards too. Instead of just reading the information, read it out loud. Basically for you guys, you need to hear, hear and hear some more. It might sound annoying when people say this to you, but it's true. 

For Tactile Learners

Last but not least, we have the tactile learners. You guys learn best by manipulation.  Which is basically just touching and doing things. Tactile learners usually have a second learning type. So you might want to read the tips from either the auditory or visual based on your scores. 
Image result for kinesthetic learner

Move Around While You Study

Tactile learners cannot sit around and do nothing while they learn. That's why most of you shake your leg while in class and/or love gym class. So pace or walk while you're reading your notes. I bet that it'll help!

Do Something Else While Studying

I don't mean just anything. Little things like: fiddling a ball or a pencil, eating, chewing gum or listen to music can be helpful. I don't know why, but you tactile learners like doing stuff like that it doesn't distract you. 

Take Frequent Breaks

After studying for about 25 minutes (no more than that since you lose 85% of your input after the first 25 minutes.), take a 1-5 minute break. Do whatever want to whether it's  exercise, relaxing. Anything really. 

Thank you for reading this post. I hope that this was somewhat helpful your you guys. Keep studying!


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