Tiny Star 5 Reasons Why Education Is Important - Survive This World With Me

5 Reasons Why Education Is Important

4:44 PM

Before I begin, I just want to say that I'm sorry for not posting this yesterday. It hasn't even been a month that I've had this blog and I'm already not posting on my regular day. Anyway, now that I've done that, let's get on with this week's post.

Sometimes, I question myself about school. Is it really important or is it just a waste of time? I'm sure that I'm not the only one who asked this question. I did my research and I realized that school is actually essential. Here are 5 reasons why.

1. Without Education, Society Would Not Progress

Reading, writing, basic math. These are things that we need in order to live a proper life. Without education, we wouldn't know anything new and our future children  wouldn't either. In absence of school, many things that we've discovered now wouldn't have been uncovered. An educated person has a greater chance to contribute in society. 

2. School Teaches Life Skills

It's not just math reading that school teaches you. They also make you learn about time management. You probably have both homework and after school activities that you'll have to do. Thus, you learn to get enough time to do both. School also teaches you social skills and teamwork. In life, to progress, you can't work alone. You need people to help and guide you and the group projects you do in school helps you understand that.

3. Without Education, You Have A Less Chance Of Being Financially Stable

Let's face it, without education, you can't get a decent job. And without a decent job, how are you going to get enough money to afford a housing, food and other necessities to live. Sometimes, you can't just rely on friends and family for it. If as a kid you dreamed of becoming rich, not getting education isn't a step closer to that. 

4. You Learn About The Past

We all know that history can be quite boring sometimes. You might ask yourself "why do I need to learn about events that happened in the past". There are tragic events like world wars, the Dust Bowl, and the Great Chinese Famine were all caused by humans. We learned from events like these to prevent them from happening in the future. 

5. Education Means A Happier Life

It's a fact, educated people are generally happier than non educated people. It brings you a better job, meaning that you can afford so things that aren't essential to life to make you merrier. Also, if you're educated you will have more confidence in yourself since you have greater chances of being heard and taken seriously. 

Well, that's it for this post. If you're thinking about dropping out of school, please don't do it. I know, you might think that it'll make you happier but it won't. If you absolutely need to get out of school, there are plenty of other options to get your education. Click here for more information.  Again, I'm truly sorry for not posting this yesterday. If you enjoyed this, please leave a comment a below and I'll gladly read it. Even if you didn't like this I'd love to see your suggestions on how to improve my writing. 

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