Tiny Star Welcome To My Blog! - Survive This World With Me

Welcome To My Blog!

2:54 PM

Hello! My name's Maya and I'm the author of this blog. Here, I'll be writing tips, life hacks, inspiration and more about living your teenage life. In this post, I'll write all the information you want to know.

The Day I Post

I post once a week on Sundays. There isn't any specific time at the moment. It could be 10 in the morning, 9 at night or anytime in between. However, it will DEFINITELY be on Sundays. If you don't want to miss a post, then just follow my blog. It's super easy. Also, if you want me to post more times a week, just let me know! 


Every month, I have a specific theme. Each week of that month, I'll be writing about that theme and only about that. Then, the next month, I'll write about something else. This month, the theme is... School! I think everyone started school this month and I just want to talk about how I cope with my school days plus what I do that makes the school day much better. Again, if you have any suggestions about what my theme should be next, let me know. 

Special Things

Do you need a listening ear? Or do you want advice on something? Well, I'm right here so you can stop looking now. I have an advice column and on some days, I just chat with you guys. If you have a Google account, then you can join. I'll post more information about this later. 

If you want to be happier, you can also do my 10 day happiness challenge. Every day, I'll send you a challenge for you to be  happier. 

Contact Information

I made a Google account specifically for this blog. If you want to send me suggestions, a nice word or anything else, just contact me at survivethisworldwithme@gmail.com

If you made it up to here, congratulations! Thank you for reading this, I appreciate it. 


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